Experienced Family Law Attorney
At the Law Offices of Schiffman, Sheridan & Brown, P.C., we strive to offer compassionate yet assertive divorce lawyers in Harrisburg, PA. Our attorneys offer knowledgeable legal services and guidance to clients in Harrisburg, surrounding suburbs, Carlisle, Camp Hill, Dauphin, Cumberland and other surrounding counties in Central Pennsylvannia.
Experienced Divorce Representation
Divorcing spouses often have a number of concerns regarding grounds for divorce, spousal support, custody, division of assets, debts, finances, etc. Depending on the circumstances, answers can vary from case to case. In divorce law, no-fault and at-fault are the two most common types of divorce. No-fault is more prevalent, and typically involves a 90-day waiting period and consent from both parties to file for divorce. Wrongdoing is the underlying factor in fault divorce cases, which typically involve marital misconduct on the part of the defendant. Our qualified divorce attorneys are experienced with both fault and no-fault cases, and will provide the knowledgeable counsel you require. Pennsylvania recognizes same sex marriage. We have qualified tax attorneys who can assist with some of the special tax circumstances arising with the change in the law.
Custody Matters
Proceedings involving children are usually sensitive situations, and require the expertise of a trained legal representative. We at Schiffman, Sheridan & Brown can help you determine the best course of action, depending on the circumstances of your unique situation. In addition to assisting divorcing parents, we also provide guidance for grandparents. When you schedule a consultation, you can expect advice on all points surrounding child custody proceedings, such as:
- The child’s best interest
- Issues involving abuse or drug/alcohol use
- The primary caretaker and their responsibilities
- Visitation. Partial custody, Legal custody
- Child support obligations
Child & Spousal Support
If you have questions about whether or not you’re eligible for child or spousal support, our divorce attorneys are experienced in handling family legal matters. Calculating support for children and/or spouses is a complex process, and it’s important to have representation you can trust on your side. We’ll ensure you’re kept informed about your rights and options every step of the way. Whether you’ve been granted custody of a minor and need child support, or have questions about your ability to receive spousal support, Schiffman, Sheridan & Brown is here to help.
Legal Representation for Victims of Abuse
Cases involving domestic abuse, particularly physical abuse, are especially urgent and require immediate attention. Clients who are caught in an abusive environment need legal assistance without delay, and often have a multitude of questions about their options. Ensuring clients are safeguarded from further abuse is our main priority in such situations, as well as providing sound advice regarding financial support eligibility and the best course of action.
When in need of legal representation in family law, you can trust Schiffman, Sheridan & Brown, P.C. Our knowledgeable and experienced divorce lawyers in Harrisburg, PA will work to get the most desirable outcome for your case. For more detailed information on how we can help, fill out our contact form and write your concerns in the message box.